Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Comics - Week of September 02, 2009

This is an extremely slow week for comic books. Of all the books coming out, I am only interested in two of them. First up is Invincible Iron Man #17. So far, Matt Fraction has been doing a phenomenal job telling the tragic tale of Tony of Stark. This issue sees Stark's plan maybe starting to fail because he can't actually remember it after all the memory deletion. Also, I look forward to seeing Black Widow and Maria Hill get to work.

The other book I'll be buying is Cable #18. Last issue left Duane Swierczynski with lots of potential plot lines. I'm excited about their space expedition and finding out what obstacles lie ahead for them. The one thing I'm most looking forward too though: no more of the bumbling idiot known as Bishop. Also, from the looks of the preview page I'm providing, Hope might be starting to develop some of her long-awaited secret powers.

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