Monday, August 31, 2009

Disney + Marvel

By now everyone has heard; Disney is buying Marvel Entertainment through a combination of stocks and cash that amounts to $4 billion. Alright Marvel! Congratulations on the big pay day. So far, only the deal has been announced. No future plans have been mentioned other than that Disney will be honoring any deals Marvel already has in place, such as the Iron Man movies being distributed by Paramount and some Marvel games being developed by Activision. If I learn anything more, I'll be sure to keep you posted.

While I may not see this as a threat, tons of fans have been voicing their displeasure on the IGN boards. Their rants are a little absurd. Disney didn't buy Marvel so they could get into the comics business. They wouldn't have any interest in making Spider-Man a handsome prince or Captain America a merman. By the way, I'm sure Marvel has done stuff like that with some of its other characters already. Disney is probably more interested in taking advantage of Marvel's huge popularity right now. I'm sure they realize they had nothing to do with Marvel's success and won't try to alter anything for fear of messing it up.

I actually do see some potential if Disney does get into some of the creative aspects though. Imagine a Pet Avengers movie starring Lockjaw, Lockheed, and Frog Thor made by Pixar (another successful company that Disney bought). That would be awesome! Also, think of the potential for a Kingdom Hearts game with Marvel characters in it. If that gets made, I might as well quit my jobs because playing it will be the only justifiable use of my time. So even if Disney does try to get into the creative side of things, there are avenues well worth exploring. Just stay away from Marvel's 616 Universe.

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