Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Comics - Week of August 26, 2009

Runaways #13 is coming out this week! Ever since Terry Moore departed, the series has gotten back to its fun and teenage angst ways. The last issue was full of analyses of the team's new relationships with each other and left us with an unexpected family reunion. Sara Pichelli's art may not be the best I've ever seen, but Runaways is always at its best when dealing with family issues, so this issue is sure to rock.

Of course, I'm excited about Green Lantern #45 as well. In this issue we finally get to see the Black Lanterns affecting someone else. As Sinestro attacks the Star Sapphires, they are interrupted by a deluge of Black Lanterns. I can't wait to see their reactions to Blackest Night and how it compares to those of the Green Lanterns.

Other books I will be adding to my collection are Dark Avengers #8, Ms. Marvel #44, New Avengers #56, and Secret Warriors #7. I look for ongoing sagas to keep getting better and more epic in the pages of Dark Avengers and Ms. Marvel. The last New Avengers felt a little too silly and left a bad taste in my mouth, but I've been following the team for four years and won't stop now. And Secret Warriors has been amazing in its entirety and I can't wait to see what the second story arc has in store for us.

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