Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Review Format

You fans have probably noticed that I have been slacking on the reviews lately. Instead of devoting hours of my time writing my usual in-depth reviews, I've decided to do some quick-hits. Basically, I'll be writing a few thoughts about why I liked or disliked the book and will leave off the analytical details of why my thoughts are what they are.

Along with each review, I will also include links to reviews from legitimate reviewers, such as IGN and Comic Book Resources. These will usually provide a little more detail to anyone who was enticed by my mini-review.

Additionally, I will be posting all my reviews together. Since they will no longer be so time-consuming, I will be able to write them all in one day and put them in a single post.

Hopefully with the extra free time I'll have because of this, I will be able to come up with more feature pieces. Also, with there being fewer posts, some of the more important ones will stay at the top of the homepage longer. Everyone knows the first post always gets read more.

I hope this new format will benefit myself and you loyal fans. If you have any suggestions or want me to go back to the previous one, just let me know. All comments are welcomed.

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