Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blackest Night is Almost Upon Us

The moment we've been waiting almost four years for is just days away. Blackest Night will almost certainly be the best comic book event in decades. As the emotional spectrum has splintered forming various teams powered by different rationales, the Green Lantern Corps has slowly lost its control on the universe. With every new law enacted to help regain that control, the Corps begins to teeter on the edge of morality, only empowering the mythical Black Lanterns. A story this awesome has a lot of details, of course, so to get the full enjoyment of Blackest Night, you might want to catch up a little bit.

Thankfully IGN does an excellent job catching us up in Green Lantern lore. Their Absolute Blackest Night Guide is a great place to start. IGN covers the origin of the Lanterns, their connection to the emotional spectrum, some of the important members, and all relevant history. After that, they summarize the prophecy of the Blackest Night and the rise of the Black Lanterns. I found the whole article to be both entertaining and knowledgeable.

Another great read is their Lantern Corps Spotlight. In this, IGN discusses the eight different Lantern Corps and reveals all their sources of power and fighting styles. Anyone interested in the War of Light must read this.

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