Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mighty Avengers #26
Writer: Dan Slott / Artist: Stephen Segovia

Mighty Avengers has slowly become one of the more entertaining books from Marvel. Ever since Dan Slott took over for Brian Bendis, the series has taken a quirky and enjoyable turn. This issue is perhaps the quirkiest and most enjoyable one yet.

We're treated to the ultimate smart-man contest as Hank Pym and his Mighty Avengers try to infiltrate Mr. Fantastic's Baxter Building. Reading these two mega nerds constantly out-thinking each other was highly amusing and every counter move they made was awesomely cool. Mr. Fantastic's paradigm actually had me trying to think of answers myself and Pym's solution was genius and a total "OH SNAP!" moment. I only wish strong-man contests on ESPN were as fun to watch as these nerd tournaments (nerdaments?).

Dan Slott also succeeds in his characterization of the team. Pym is desperate to redeem himself and Slott's dialogue for him comes across as determined and intellectual. Hercules is appropriately dumb and cocky. The two characters he most excels at are Jocasta and Stature, though. Stature has been an annoying little girl the whole series and she gets her comeuppance in this issue. Also, Jocasta's explanation for her relationship with Pym was both creepy and funny.

Stephen Segovia is a good artist. His use of close-ups and perspective are particularly effective. Segovia just isn't appropriate for this title. His style is way too dark and gritty for such a campy book. He's probably a better fit for something like Thunderbolts or Daredevil.

Mighty Avengers #26 is another entertaining read. All the characters sound exactly as you imagine them and the fight with the Fantastic Four was both fun and clever. Dan Slott has a done a stellar job differentiating this team from all the other countless Avengers.

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