From the opening sequence we see that this duo is not like the former. Heck. This Batman doesn't even particularly like this Robin. That's the interesting thing about this new team. Not only does Dick have to deal with living up to Bruce's name, but he has to figure out how to train and control Damian. In this one issue we learn more about the struggles of Dick taking up the Cowl than we did in all of Battle for the Cowl.
Grant Morrison also does a good job providing the duo with a new threat. Pyg is as ridiculous-looking as the Joker and might be just as demented too. His way of torturing his enemies is horrifically cool. Also, Mr. Pyg provides our team with a puzzle to solve in the form of dominoes. I very much look forward to seeing how Batman and Robin will defeat this foe.
Even with Morrison's great storytelling, the best thing about this issue is Frank Quietly's art. His storytelling may be even better than Morrison's. The way Quietly depicts Toad thinking he's got away is hilarious. His panels of grogginess were also highly effective. He even makes sound effects part of the art in one panel. Everything from the action to the torture was beautifully drawn and his style is style is a perfect match for the tone of this series.
I almost didn't buy this issue after my disappointment with Battle for the Cowl. I'm glad I did. Grant Morrison has created a whole new style for the Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder. Probably the only negative thing about this issue is that I still hate Damian. I'm pretty sure there's no cure for that though, so I'm happy just reading about Batman hating him too.
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