Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Comics - Week of September 30, 2009

Thor is an event comic in and of itself. It may only come out once every two months, but the story is so good that not only do we remember everything clearly, but our interest and anticipation never falters during the lapses in releases. Thor #603 picks up on the Asgardian's new life in Latveria, Loki's mischievous scheming, and Thor's new bond with Mjolnir as he attempts to save Sif. My description really doesn't do this incredibly epic book justice. Just read it.

Also be sure to get both Thunderbolts #136 and Secret Warriors #8. The two books are tied together telling the same story, except from two different perspectives. In Thunderbolts we get to see Osborn plan his torture of Nick Fury and the crazed team of lunatics continue its fracas. Also, Scourge's identity is supposed to be revealed in what is Andy Diggle's tells the story from Nick Fury's final issue writing this great series. Secret Warriors perspective. Expect to see how he escapes with his girls and the Secret Warriors battle the Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers.

Some other big releases are Green Lantern #46, Amazing Spider-Man #607, and Runaways #14. Sinestro moves from the Star Sapphires to deal with his old friend Mongul in the pages of Green Lantern. In Spider-Man we'll get to see how Spidey handles his feelings for the Black Cat and how it affects the other crazy women in his life. And Kathryn Immonen's first arc comes to an end in Runaways as Gertrude makes her return to the team.

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