Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Comics - Week of September 23, 2009

It's finally here! The eight part story of "Old Man Logan" has taken almost two years to complete, with the most recent issue coming out four months ago. Sure, that may be a long time, but the story has been well worth reading. And I can forgive the monstrous delays because Steve McNiven needed extra time on the art. Take all the time you need, Steve, because your work is easily the best in the industry. Wolverine: Old Man Logan is worth buying just for the art alone.

Another interesting book devastated by delays is Spider-Woman #1. This series was supposed to happen after New Avengers, then after Civil War, and then in the summer. Oh well, with the events of Secret Invasion, Spider-Woman has never been more interesting than right now. Plus Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev are teaming up on the book. The last book they did - the award-winning and huge fan-favorite Daredevil. That's another one of those "'nuff said' comments.

Don't forget about Amazing Spider-Man #606, Dark Reign: The List - X-Men, Ms. Marvel #45, and New Avengers #57. The Black Cat will be making her return in Spider-Man. Over in The List, Osborn attempts to take care of what remains of his mutant problem. Ms. Marvel battles Moonstone in the penultimate issue of "War of the Marvels." And the New Avengers will have to defeat a foe without their powers while Luke Cage's life may be slipping away.

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