Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Comics - Week of August 19, 2009

Not only is this a very light week, but no huge comics are coming out either. Easily the most significant would be Daredevil #500. Here we have another fake anniversary issue to generate buzz for higher sales. No extra incentive was needed for me to buy this issue though, because it concludes the Return of the King arc. Throughout the story we've seen the Kingpin return to Daredevil's life to either help or hurt him and Ed Brubanker has done a phenomenal job keeping us guessing. I can't wait to see what happens.

Not much else is left for us comic book fans. Along with Daredevil, I'll be buying Amazing Spider-Man #603 and Mighty Avengers #28. The Chameleon was awesome in the last issue of Spider-Man and I very much anticipate how Fred Van Lente will continue to use him. Over in Mighty Avengers, the team needs to bring together multiple superhero groups to take on the totally badass Inhumans villain, Unspoken.

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