Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Comics - Week August 12, 2009

This week is another one of those "no-brainers." Get Blackest Night #2. The first issue was amazing. Heck, the entire Green Lantern series of books has been amazing. We left off with tons of Black Lanterns rising to the astonishment of the Corps and Scar finally making her move. Hopefully, in this issue we'll see some more great action and learn a little more about the undead Corps.

The other book coming out this week that I am most looking forward to is Ms. Marvel #43. War of the Marvels continues and I am excited about their showdown. Moonstone has never been cooler than she is now and Ms. Marvel has always been one of my favorite heroes (as you can tell by the site's background). Now that we're out of the whole "resurrection" mess, maybe Carol can go back to whooping ass - with the occasional blonde moment.

Other awesome books set to release are Green Lantern Corps #39, Amazing Spider-Man #602, Cable #17, and Uncanny X-Men #514. You really can't read Blackest Night without following either Green Lantern series. Expect to see the reaction of the Corps as they see all their dead comrades come back to fight them. In Spider-Man you'll see Red-Headed Stranger continue, hopefully learning some more about her deal with Mephisto, and the return of the Chameleon. Cable succumbed to his techno virus in the last issue so we'll get to see the fallout of that tomorrow. And in Uncanny X-Men, the Utopia saga continues with the new Dark X-Men fighting the Dark Avengers. That's a whole lot of darkness!

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