Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Comics - July 08, 2009

Compared to the last two weeks, this one is baron. However, DC makes a huge splash with Green Lantern #43. This is the official prologue to their huge event. For more than two years, the Green Lantern books have been building toward, and this week will get our first taste of Blackest Night.

Not much else going on beyond that. From Marvel we get Ms. Marvel #41, and War of Kings: Warriors #1. The cover of new Ms. Marvel looks pretty darn cool and after last issue's awesome issue, I'm excited to see how Ms. Marvel's reaction to Moonstone's activities. In Warriors we will get to see to a few details of Gladiator's past that led him to the becoming the Shi'Ar praetor. Anything with Gladiator in it is a win for me.

Also from Marvel is Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36. This doesn't seem like a particularly important issue, with most of the good stuff happening in American Son and #600. From the looks of it, Aunt May and Jameson Sr. will be getting hitched in this one.

Told you it was a light week, didn't I? At least my wallet will be happy :-)

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