Every scene with Madame Masque was incredibly intense. Up until recently, she's been a lame character but Fraction and Brian Bendis have done a great job making her cool. She's at her finest in this issue. Madame Masque stalks Tony and Pepper like an assassin ex-girlfriend. Her lunacy and infatuation come across perfectly through torture and seduction. Quite frankly, I don't know if Tony is going to die or get laid next issue, but either way, he'll be getting it good.
One of the reasons Tony was able to be taken down so easily is his rapidly deteriorating condition. Deleting files holding the secrets of the superhuman community from his brain is also erasing some of his memories and motor abilities. Soon he will no longer remember his friends or even how to use a screwdriver. This provides a new threat to Tony. He's always been the man with a plan, but with his mind failing him, he's never been more sympathetic. While the condition is intriguing at the moment though, I hope it doesn't last forever. After all, I'm reading a story about a super hero, not a super dummy.
Maria Hill's search for Captain America takes up the rest of the issue. Just as Fraction has revamped Madame Masque, so too has Maria Hill shined under his direction. This time she tries to convince an unwilling Black Widow to fetch the Cap for her. At first Widow refuses, but Maria Hill's honor and character comes across perfectly and she accepts Maria the same way all of us have.
On the flip side, Salvador Larroca's art has never been worse. He reuses images numerous times in the issue. Hardly any of the facial expressions match the mood of the situation. Look at the cover. Tony looks like he's in pleasure and Madame Masque looks curious. Some of the characters in the issue don't even look like we're used to. Pepper Potts and Black Widow look exactly the same and Maria Hill is depicted as a fat hobo. With no technological images to draw, Larroca fails miserably in this issue.
Despite the bad art, this was a great Invincible Iron Man. As Tony gets weaker, his character grows better and every situation becomes more dire. One of these days Maria will find Captain American and we'll see what's in that bag. When that day comes, I expect an awesome fight and the reemergence of Tony to power. I can't wait.
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