Monday, June 15, 2009

New Comics, June 17 2009

Captain America #600 finally comes out this week. I have been mistakenly forecasting this landmark issue for weeks. It had a special release today, but Wednesday will be its official release. This issue will be huge in the greater Captain America story and serves as a prologue to Captain America: Reborn, a mini-series starting next month about the return of Steve Rogers.

On the other side of the Civil War coin, Iron Man's new issue is coming out too. The second half of World's Most Wanted starts with Invincible Iron Man #14. This story arc has been amazing and I cannot wait to see where it will lead. At the end of last issue, Osborn set things in motion for Madame Masque, one time lover to Tony Stark, to take down Iron Man.

Some other titles from the Marvel side are Cable #15 and Mighty Avengers #26. Messiah War continues in Cable and hopefully he'll utilize a few more of abilities as we see Apocalypse return to power. And a fight is going down between the Mighty Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

Ultimatum Spider-Man Requiem ships too. The first volume of Spider-Man's Ultimate line ended two weeks ago and many presume him to be dead. Requiem will focus on his past deeds through the eyes of the people he saved.

And finally, from DC, Batman: Streets of Gotham starts this week. This new ongoing series, written by Paul Dini, has been described as another Batman series. The difference in this one is that it's told through the eyes of the people of Gotham, whether they're the good guys or bad.


  1. It seems pretty ridiculous to me that they've killed Captain America, and now they're bringing him back. Seriously, are they just out of ideas for ways to keep this character interesting and relevant? Couldn't they have just found a way to reinvent Cap, ala Psylocke from the X-Men in the mid 1990s?

    I don't have a problem with Marvel killing major characters. But make the death permanent so that it actually means something!

    What do you think?

  2. I wholeheartedly agree. Bringing him back just 3 years after his death (our time; maybe 1 year Marvel time) makes his death meaningless. Captain America #25, the "death", is now a sham and Captain America #34, Bucky becoming Cap, is worthless.

    Expect a post about this later.
