Friday, June 26, 2009

Ms. Marvel #40
Writer: Brian Reed / Artist: Sana Takeda, Luke Ross

This issue continues the story that last month's set in motion. The plot may have been a tad ridiculous, but the way it's carried out is amazing. Moonstone has never been cooler and the numerous cameos help both the lackluster plot and Moonstone's character.

Right off the bat, we're treated to an awesome fight scene. Some light entity is upset about Moonstone abducting the MODOK babies and decides to start something with the Dark Avengers. It handles its own for a bit, until Moonstone realizes its weakness and uses her's and Iron Patriot's combined might in the most creative and diabolical of ways. Suffice to say, Iron Patriot and the light entity received the brunt of the force. With fights like these, I don't care how ridiculous the plot is.

While all that is happening, Brian Reed never loses his focus. He's still able to capture the voice of Moonstone and further differentiate her from Ms. Marvel. Whereas Ms. Marvel was upset, Moonstone is vengeful. Ms. Marvel works with her team while Moonstone uses her team. Reed doesn't just excel with the ladies, but with the dudes also. Osborn is appropriately furious, Deadpool is maniacally funny, and the New Avengers are no worse than the way Bendis writes them. I could have done without Spider-Man singing though.

I've mentioned the ridiculous MODOK babies plot a few times already. Apparently Ms. Marvel had a run-in with them at some point and the babies, who can create anything from nothing, got confused and bonded with Moonstone. OK, now you get me. The plot gets less stupid from there though. AIM wants the babies back and in a hilariously funny scene, hires Deadpool to retrieve them. Anyone who knows Deadpool's past deeds, skills, and character know that this can be very promising to the plot. Also, the light entities' purpose is revealed this issue and it seems Ms. Marvel may be needed before this less and less ridiculous plot concludes.

Art duties are split up this issue, and the differences couldn't be more recognizable. A majority of it, including the aforementioned battle, is done by Sana Takeda. His action sequences are great and easy to follow and he handles light and fire extraordinarily. However, his style is one I don't prefer. Everything is just so shiny and too close to looking at a photograph. A style more to my liking is that of Luke Ross, who handles all the Deadpool and New Avengers parts. He uses shadows, perspective, and emotion more effectively. Also, while looking at it I feel as though I'm looking at "art" rather than something trying to resemble a photograph.

I feel a little ashamed of the way I bashed last issue. In all fairness though, I did say Brian Reed was great with Moonstone's characterization so my review wasn't that bad. The MODOK baby stuff is still pretty dumb, but I very much like where it is leading. I suppose anything's worth accepting if I can good stuff like this issue.

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