Last month Jocasta severed the ties that connected Pym's headquarters to the real world to escape HAMMER. Because of this, the HQ will be lost forever unless Hank can use a device created by Bill Foster, Goliath. Reed Richards is in possession of the device and refuses to lend it to Hank. Then they argue. This whole sequence seemed a little forced to me. If Hank really needed it, I'm sure Reed would be happy to help. I don't quite understand why Slott would force these two to come to blows. The concept seems cool, but the method doesn't work. However, I did get a kick out of Reed telling Hank, "I know Pym particles better than you do." OH SNAP!!!
The only other plot point was USAgent and Quicksilver going to China to help GRANDPA, some international anti-terrorism agency with an awesome acronym. Nothing much happens with them, though, so I'll have to reserve judgment. One thing we do get are a lot of is thought bubbles. They don't work. From the first one, I was tired of reading them. Slott needs to figure out another way for us to figure out that Quicksilver is only on the team to find his sister.
Speaking of things not working in this issue, Stephen Segovia's art doesn't match the tone of this series at all. His work is way too dark, gritty, and sketchy. Marvel's Noir line seems more suitable for Segovia's style. Another misstep is the way he draws every character like their posing like a model in a photo shoot. Stature doesn't need to drink coffee with her hips in, butt out, and head turned around. Herc doesn't need to cross his arms and stare in every panel.
Mighty Avengers #25 was a little disappointing. I wanted to see Loki's influence, but got Hank Pym mostly trying to prove himself. Maybe Hank Pym fans, if there are any out there, will get a kick out of it, but I got enough of that in the first arc. Maybe the actual fight with the Fantastic Four will be cool. I have to admit though, that I'll be rooting for the Fantastic Four. That shouldn't happen while reading a Mighty Avengers book.
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