Sunday, October 18, 2009

Review - Week of October 14, 2009

***Book of the Week***
Green Lantern Corps #41
Writer: Peter Tomasi / Artist: Patrick Gleason
Review? Yeah, that's right. I only read one book this week (which makes picking a "Book of the Week" incredibly easy). Thank goodness my one purchase was a good one. This issue of Green Lantern Corps pretty much follows the same pattern of previous ones, but finally Peter Tomasi builds on some of the plot threads. Instead of just seeing Kyle Raynor fight his dead ex-girlfriends, they actually create a tension between him and Soranik. Arisia doesn't just cry when her dead family chastises her, but admirably defends herself and her family's honor. Her use of projections was awesome, by the way. Kilowog steals the show though. He's always been cool, but in this issue he gets to hit an emotional note that almost makes me want to get out there and fight some Black Lanterns. I'm happy to see the overall story progress too. An Indigo Lantern arrives at the end of the issue to help the Green Lanterns take to the offensive for a change. Patrick Gleason's art is just as impressive, capturing the emotion of the "reunions" and the chaos of the battle while depicting a beautifully epic space setting. As with Green Lantern a few weeks ago, this issue is the best Blackest Night tie-in for the series so far and I'm looking forward to seeing some important plot developments in the future.
IGN - 8.5/10
Comic Book Resources - 4.5/5
Comics Bulletin - 4/5

I fear that you might feel a little shortchanged this week due to the lack of hard hitting reviews. To appease you, I've provided some peaks at Siege covers due out in January. Apparently, Siege is about Norman Osborn invading Asgard to take over the land. Man, that just sounds like a bad idea. He's going to get whooped up. Anyway, enjoy these pretty badass covers.

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